Monday, 12 September 2016

5 Ways To Survive This Academic Year

Unfortunately- some things always come to an end. Most of us, after this long-ish relaxation return back to a building called school or start a new stage in our lives by going to...a new school. So you want to know how to survive in that place and get impressive results? Read my 5 ways to survive this year.

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1. School won't pass you
...whether you're in high school, college, or university getting your future career in place. There is no point of fighting this off. Stop and think. That essay you didn't write last time, because you didn't want to, you're still gonna have to write it. Tomorrow, next week or in a month's time, you're gonna have to anyway. So let's face it; isn't it better to get a grip of ourselves, learn those things for that test and pass it or do our research for that essay so you can sit down and write it. 

2. Don't argue with your teachers
Often, we have the urge to argue with our teacher. Because we're right! Because he said something wrong. Because, the truth is different. However, even though you might be right, nothing will change their perspective. So maybe it's best to just agree,what do you think? ;) Of course, voicing your opinions is important, but don't get into trouble, don't argue, debate.

3. Don't be afraid to be a 'nerd'
I know a few people who have the potential, but they don't show it. A lot of us unfortunately are afraid to have good grades and some even ignore the teacher to show off to their friends. Think about it, is it worth it? Is it worth to sacrifice your grades and potentially a good career to get your frieends' attention? If you're thinking about it, I'll tell you. The answer sounds like no.

4. Be positive
This may sounds a bit stupid but positive thoughts can actually have a good result on our grades. If you smile and say "hey, maybe it's good to do something productive?" in seconds your laziness will be gone. It's our ways of approach towards our studies that have impact- it depends whether you'd rather watch that episode you missed or study for that exam you have tomorrow. Try and change your approach for the better and pick the second option?

Free Printables! - The Organised Student | via Tumblr5. Plan!
We've known for a while, that the best decisions are spontaneous. Although, with studies that theory is a little bit different. From my own experience, i know that it's better to schedule - even if it's on your phone, try to write down when your deadlines, tests and etc are. I'm the type of person to forget quickly about a lot of things. I don't have the best memory when it comes to exams and deadlines, so trust me, thanks to scheduling i managed to avoid many fails.

Let me know how you're getting on,
Best of luck, P

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