Sunday 12 February 2017

Bikini Abs Routine

With summer just around the corner, you want to achieve those perfect summer abs . So, you've decided to start working out and get into a routine. Fab! In this post I will take you though a routine that i have personally found effective and free... because you can do it just about anywhere.  Things you'll need: a workout mat, my personal favourite is this baby pink mat from ASOS and of course yourself.

Before we get into the routine, remember to warm up those abs! Lay down with your legs in a 45 degree angle and pull yourself up (kind of like a sit up) now, rock back down slowly. Repeat this 15 times.

Right, now you're ready start the routine. 

➢ 20 Crunches
➢ 20 Cross Crunches
➢ 20 Oblique Twists
➢ 20 Lower Leg Lifts
➢ 20 Crunches (with legs in a 45 degree angle)
➢ 20 Left Side Crunches
➢ 20 Right Side Crunches
➢ 20 Obique Twists
➢ 20 V-ups
➢ 1 minute plank

Try to get through the first set without breaks in between so that your heart rate increases. That's when your body will begin to burn fat. Repeat this workout routine 3 times for the best results.

Sometimes, I also variate the workout and add in:
➢ Side Plank with 15 reach throughs (each side)
➢ 20 Toe Touches
➢ 20 Sit Ups

Embrace the burn and keep going! Don't give up and smile because you know you can get through this and you're gonna feel great after! Remember also to eat healthy and stay consistant, abs are made in the kitchen!

Make sure to stretch your body after each workout, I tend to do this routine 5-6 times a week and each set only takes 10 minutes on average. Hope you guys get great results, stay motivated and see you in my next post.

Monday 12 September 2016

Saying Farewell to Summer

So about a month ago, I was approached by a photographer who's asked to work with me on a few bits. And lucky enough as I was, I could not have asked for a much better experience than this one! I am so grateul to have worked with this amazing man!

Here's a few bits we shot down the gorgeous coast of Brighton; saying our farewell to this summer and how spoilt we have been for the sunshine (and some not so summery days).

Photographer: Kevan Smith

5 Ways To Survive This Academic Year

Unfortunately- some things always come to an end. Most of us, after this long-ish relaxation return back to a building called school or start a new stage in our lives by going to...a new school. So you want to know how to survive in that place and get impressive results? Read my 5 ways to survive this year.

YouTube: | via Tumblr

1. School won't pass you
...whether you're in high school, college, or university getting your future career in place. There is no point of fighting this off. Stop and think. That essay you didn't write last time, because you didn't want to, you're still gonna have to write it. Tomorrow, next week or in a month's time, you're gonna have to anyway. So let's face it; isn't it better to get a grip of ourselves, learn those things for that test and pass it or do our research for that essay so you can sit down and write it. 

2. Don't argue with your teachers
Often, we have the urge to argue with our teacher. Because we're right! Because he said something wrong. Because, the truth is different. However, even though you might be right, nothing will change their perspective. So maybe it's best to just agree,what do you think? ;) Of course, voicing your opinions is important, but don't get into trouble, don't argue, debate.

3. Don't be afraid to be a 'nerd'
I know a few people who have the potential, but they don't show it. A lot of us unfortunately are afraid to have good grades and some even ignore the teacher to show off to their friends. Think about it, is it worth it? Is it worth to sacrifice your grades and potentially a good career to get your frieends' attention? If you're thinking about it, I'll tell you. The answer sounds like no.

4. Be positive
This may sounds a bit stupid but positive thoughts can actually have a good result on our grades. If you smile and say "hey, maybe it's good to do something productive?" in seconds your laziness will be gone. It's our ways of approach towards our studies that have impact- it depends whether you'd rather watch that episode you missed or study for that exam you have tomorrow. Try and change your approach for the better and pick the second option?

Free Printables! - The Organised Student | via Tumblr5. Plan!
We've known for a while, that the best decisions are spontaneous. Although, with studies that theory is a little bit different. From my own experience, i know that it's better to schedule - even if it's on your phone, try to write down when your deadlines, tests and etc are. I'm the type of person to forget quickly about a lot of things. I don't have the best memory when it comes to exams and deadlines, so trust me, thanks to scheduling i managed to avoid many fails.

Let me know how you're getting on,
Best of luck, P

Saturday 21 May 2016

Hair Routine

Image result for blonde hair braidsWe all want healthy, long, luscious locks (maybe some of us) but sometimes we might get a bit lazy and not really take proper care of our hair. I know it's pretty hard to get into routines but after a while, even I managed to get into a routine of looking after it and letting it grow healthily.

Wszyscy chcemy zdrowe i długie wlosy (może niektórzy z nas), ale czasami czujemy sie leniwi i nie do końca dbamy o włosy. Wiem, że trudno jest dostosowac się do rutyny, ale po jakimś czasie, nawet mi sie udalo.

Here are some of the ways that I have personally done to grow my hair and avoid split ends:

Oto kilka sposobów które pomagaja rozwijać moje włosy i zapobiego rozdwajaniu:

❁ Washing your hair every other day. This will allow your hair to repair itself with natural oils. When I washed my hair everyday, I realised that it started to become very dry and frizzy.

Mycie włosów co drugi dzień. Naturalne olejki z twojich wlosow pomoga z naprawieniem. Kiedy myłam włosy codziennie, zdałam sobie sprawę, że byly bardzo suche i musialam przestac.

❁ Brush your hair carefully. Maybe use a paddle brush that has flexible bristles, you can probably get one from any beauty store.

Czesz włosy ostrożnie. Może użyj cos takiego jak 'paddle brush'. Można znalesc szczotke w każdym sklepie kosmetycznym.

❁ Use conditioner after shampooing. Only condition the ends of your hair and leave it in for a couple minutes before you wash it out. I like to use the  Luxurious Moisture shampoo as well as the Treseemmè conditioner

Użyj odżywkę po umyciu. Ale tylko końcowki włosów i zostaw na kilka minut a potem zmyj. Lubię używać odżywka Treseemmè.

❁Rinse your hair with lukewarm water instead of hot. It's just as if you were to use heat on your hair. 

Spłukaj włosy letnią wodą, a nie gorąca. 

❁ Be careful when towel drying your head. Avoid rubbing the towel every way through and on your hair. instead wrap your hair up in the towel and squeeze different areas to get the water out.

Należy zachować ostrożność podczas suszenia głowy recznikiem. Unikaj pocieranie ręcznikiem. tylko owin włosy w ręcznik.

❁ Use a wide tooth comb on your wet hair. When you've just gotten out of the shower, gently comb your hair so you don't cause breakage.

Użyj szerokiego grzebieńia na mokre włosy. Kiedy wyjdziesz z prysznica, delikatnie uczesz wlosy, aby nie spowodować pęknięcia.

❁ Blow drying. Try to not make contact with the ends of your hair until necessary with the hair dryer. if you're using another heat styling tool, don't make contact with the ends AT ALL. Try to avoid using heat on your hair as much as possible, If you are going to style it, always use a heat protector! I like to use the VO5 nourish my shine heat protector. 

Suszenie wlosow suszarką. Zostaw końcówki włosów na koniec. Jeśli używasz innego narzędzia do stylizacji, zostaw końcowki wlosow ogólnie. Staraj się unikać ciepło na włosach jak najwięcej, Jeśli masz zamiar stylizowac, zawsze używaj protektora! Ja lubię używać VO5.

❁ Start at your roots not your ends when curling. Try to do it that way so the ends only take in as much heat as needed for the style to hold. I still haven't go used to this one but i tend to curl my hair just above the ends.

Zacznij od swoich korzeni podczas krecenia wlosow. Spróbuj zrobić to w ten sposób, aby końcowki wlosow byly krecona tyle ile potrzeba dla stylu. Mi samej jest trudno dostosowac sie, ale damy rady.

❁ Trim. Proper care allows you to avoid the hairdressers for about 6 to 8 weeks (or longer)- just keep watch! If you see a split end, don't be afraid to get a pair of scissors and cut it off there and then.

Podcinaj koncowki. Właściwa pielęgnacja pozwala uniknąć fryzjerów przez około 6 do 8 tygodni (lub dłużej) Jeśli widzisz rozdwojone koncowki, nie bój się siegnac po nożyczki i utnąć.

I would love to hear what you guys do to take care of your hair, let me know in the comments below or simply get in touch with me. Looking forward to hearing from my readers. 

Chciałabym usłyszeć, co wy robicie, aby dbać o swoje włosy, daj mi znać w komentarzach poniżej lub po prostu skontaktować się ze mną. Bede czekac. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Summer Favourites

Living in England is unpredictable when it comes to summer, so being a summer child I really don't enjoy the cold weather. Recently, it's been feeling more like summer and seeing as I'll be travelling a little in the summer months i decided to make a list of some summer favourites this year. 

Życie w Anglii jest nieprzewidywalne, jeśli chodzi o lato, więc bycie 'letnim dzieckiem' naprawdę się nie ciesze jak jest  zimno. Ale, ostatnio czuje ze lato sie zbliza, a skoro będę podróżować trochę w miesiącach letnich postanowiłem zrobić listę kilku ulubionych letnich zeczy tego roku.

All items are from Sabo Skirt  

Saturday 30 April 2016

Mon Amour


Coat: Topshop
Top: H&M
Jeans: Topshop
Shoes: New Look
Sunglasses: Quey Australia

Photos by: Shannon Cassidy

Thursday 14 April 2016

Becoming a Minimalist

After moving out, i realised that becoming a minimalist simplifies your lifestyle. we're living in a consumer driven world; the underlying message behind that is that "stuff is going to make you happy"...I'm going to completely turn those thoughts around and tell you that actually having less stuff can make you happy.

When living in an environment that's full of junk and clutter, its gonna make you feel overwhelmed, its gonna make you feel stressed out and i personally feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders after getting rid of so much stuff!
The second major benefit, is that it becomes so much easier to keep your living environment clean and tidy when you have less stuff... you have less stuff to clean in the first place.

And the third benefit is that you'll find that you're spending a lot less money, at least for me. I just don't want any more stuff, i enjoy having less so have lost the urge to constantly buy stuff just for the sake of having it. Instead of having the "I want it but I can't have it" mindset, I'd switch it to "I don't want it, but i can have it"

So, the first step to becoming a minimalist..

Get Inspired! and really commit
I find that watching videos and visually seeing a decluttered and simplified living space is so
incredibly motivating! The last time i got inspired, was when i looked on pinterest and weheartit i found homes and living environments that really reflected on what i wanted for myself.
home, white, and house image
So, the second step is by far the most time consuming and difficult part of the process and that is, purging your stuff..

I think the best time to do this is definitely while you're moving because you're forced to interact with your stuff and you can make a decision whether you're keeping it or not. If you're not moving you can still go through with this process. What i would recommend is to start with the area that stresses you out the most. If you can tackle and accomplish the number one area that's stressing you out it will give you that momentum and excitement motivating you to accomplish your goal.

How do you know what to keep and what not to keep? Ask yourself, like do I really need this? Do i have something similar that already fills this purpose? Getting rid of duplicates..

The One item in and One item out process.. if you buy a new top for example, think about what you can get rid of or exchange, donate it to a charity.

So, these are some of the things that i followed when decluttering my flat. it has created a much easier lifestyle and i've never been happier in my own home. I feel so much better, i'm so much happier and i feel like i'm now in control of my living environment rather than it being in control of me and overwhelming me and stressing me out